Friday, December 29, 2006

34 weeks and counting

I just got home a little while ago from a double doctors appointment. My regular appointment with my ob (I am a spazz and showed up 1 hr. early...just a little eager perhaps?) and our monthly ultrasound.

Here's a quick rundown on the status of "Gary" from the doctor:
  • At 34 weeks and 2 days I am measuring 36.5 weeks. That's still only two ahead.
  • Baby's heart rate is stable at 140 beats per minute.
  • Doctor predicts that the baby will make it to 38 weeks as long as my bp is stable (no toxemia) and my sugars stay "normal" (90-120 range).
  • I only gained 1 lb. over the last two weeks...bringing us to a grand total of 28 lbs.
  • Stretch marks are ugly...very ugly.

At the Ultrasound however, we got a little bit different story:

  • No pictures of "Gary" today. Why? He's too big. They couldn't get a clear shot because: 1) he's dropped considerably and has "assumed the position" of getting the heck out of dodge and 2) He's huge.
  • How big? Let's try 7 lbs. big. What should he weigh? At 34 weeks he should weigh at most, 5 lbs. and be about 19 inches long. We don't know if he's huge because of the diabetes or genetics. We won't know that until he's born, but it looks like naming him Henry and calling him Hank the Tank might not be such a bad idea.
  • "Gary" is in the 80th percentile in size, his head is huge and his legs are long. That right there makes the decision for a c-section worth it.
  • "Gary" has fat rolls, under his arms and very chubby cheeks. Through the ultrasound video we could see the layers of fat that are forming around his body.
  • Right now, "Gary" is the size of a baby at 38 weeks gestation, not 34.

What does all this mean you may be asking? Ross and I have no idea. Basically, it means that the kid will be born soon and hopefully before the 10 lb mark. I told Ross the other day that "Gary" was starting to feel very heavy and I was right.

Since there are no pictures of "Gary" from today's photo session (Though we did bring a VHS tape and recorded the ultrasound if you are interested in watching a giant fat baby) I've posted the only picture I've taken of me throughout the entire prove to certain peopel (Craig) that this whole baby thing isn't a figment of my imagination.


1 comment:

Michele said...

I'm impressed with such a large baby you've only gained 28 pounds. I gained almost twice that:)


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