Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ketchup is her code word

Last night Ross was busy with church stuff and I headed out to the family compound in the WV to drop off some Sub-for-Santa gifts and do a little calligraphy for my mom's neighbor. As the evening started to wind down and we were wrapping up Willie's science homework (It was a group effort to define all his science terms...we even had two dictionaries going) thing started to get a little....crazy!
Mom beckoned dad from his Soduku induced hide-a-way in the office to come out to the kitchen. She needed him to run to the store, immediately!, and purchase two things: dish soap and ketchup. Why these two items you ask? We have no idea except that it made mom laugh when we started teasing her about whatever ketchup could be. We decided it was code for something....just not sure what. Hygiene products? A mysterious Christmas gift that could only be purchased at the local grocers? A secret mission involving tomatoes?
Regardless, it was a good laugh that sparked the start of a conversation, well, multiple conversations that I could barely keep track of. So, I decided to write as many key words down on a left over piece of wrapping paper, just in case I needed it later.

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