Friday, July 06, 2007

Yes, Virginia, I do have a father

Someone who calls them self "blogfan" wrote this in the comments to my flooded basement post:

you have a dad? i have been reading your blog for quite some time now. you seem to worship your mother. she is mentioned and praised over and over. what about daddy? does he not inspire you like your mother?

I started writing a response in the comments, but thought that what I was writing deserved more than a "comment" so here it is:


I don't know who you are, but thanks for reading. I didn't realize that anyone but my family and a few friends read anything that I write....ever!

Yes, I have a dad. He is a wonderful and amazing person. He is a role model, can wear a mustache with a swagger, and is a fantastic grandpa.
He comes to my rescue more than anyone else ever has, helping me move, rescuing me from a dead car on the freeway (and the credit union parking lot) or standing in inches of water and he never asks for anything in return. One day, when I was in college, he even drove out of his way early in the morning, to campus to put my parking pass in my car because I left it at home and I didn't want to get a parking ticket. He even has magic powers because he didn't have the right car key, but he got my door unlocked anyway.

He loves to read books, and we love to talk about history. I've got great memories of driving to University basketball games and talking WW II in the car to and from because we both just finished the latest book. Or arguing about minute details from something that we both read, and he was right, even though I insisted that I was.

I like that I can teach him computer stuff over the phone and that, unlike many of the teachers I work with on a daily basis, he remembers what I told him and can do it again.

I think it's funny that he does Sudoku puzzles and won't write in pen just in case he makes a mistake. I like that he is protective of his kids and likes his girls just as much as his golden boy. When Willie was born, a gentleman that we referred to as "dick-and-he-is-one" said to my dad, "Aren't you so excited that you finally have a son that you can play catch with," and my dad replied that he's been playing catch with his girls for years!

My dad is a thinker, and a ponderer, and a pretty spiritual guy. I trust him with anything and everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



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