Wednesday, April 01, 2009

3 years

Three years ago this July, I was diagnosed with the bedes. I suppose you could say that the Monkey save my life in a way. His impending arrival, and all the blood tests associated brought with them a great revelation. Years of not feeling well finally explained. Hundreds of afternoons of standing in the pantry binging on crap as fast as possible resolved.

Annie is a diabetic.


I'd been going to my doctor complaining of such symptoms only to be dismissed for years. I wasn't anemic. My heart didn't have a murmur. My kidneys were not failing.


In the months before said Monkey was born, learning how to deal with diabetes was a bit difficult, but I managed. Things were figured out, shots were given, and life moved on.

Last summer, with a 10 lb weight loss and chasing an active little fart around all day, every day - my diabetes were so under control that I was almost insulin free.

Then the squirt happened.

the bedes? no longer under control.

I use two kinds of insulin. Lantus, a long-acting, stay in your system for 24 hrs insulin and Novolog, a short 2 hour burst insulin for meals.

Last July, I was doing 10 units of Lanuts and maybe 30 units of Novolog a day. Not bad.

2 months ago, I was doing 40-50 units of Lanuts a day and maybe 50 units of Novolog.

All was well.

In the last 5 days things are crazy. So crazy that in an absolute panic yesterday I realized that i didn't have enouhg insulin to get me through the weekend and that my prescrptions cannot be refilled for two more weeks. After some frantic phone calls to my doc and the pharmacy - things are better. There is light at the end of the drug-dependent tunnel.

Why so frantic? Because, in the last 5 days I'm now doing over 100 units of lantus a day and 150 units of novolog. I'm close to tripling what I needed just a week ago.

and the numbers are still climbing.


good thing the squirt will be here soon. My drug habit is getting expensive and taking a lot of room in my fridge.

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