Saturday, May 30, 2009

A good day

What makes a good day?

Sometimes I'm not so sure.

When i woke up this morning to the realization that I would be spending my Saturday as a single mom, after a very long week, while the husband was off doing his thing wasn't real exciting this morning.

I was whiney.

And not very nice.

Luckily I talked to my mom. She helped us create a much better day than the one I had in store.

We went to my grandmas.

I love my grandmas.

There is just something about hanging out at my grandmas that makes me feel so good. As i was sitting on her porch soaking in some sun I got to thinking about how much I love just being around. Doing nothing in particular...just breathing in the sun and spending time some place you love...someplace you grew up at.

After a few minutes on the porch by myself I felt better. Wasn't grumpy anymore. Was not only okay with the way my day was turning out but was rather happy about it.

And spending the afternoon sitting in my parents living room on one couch with my brother on the other, texting classic movie one liners back and forth is pretty fun too.

1 comment:

japetersen said...

Thanks for hanging out with us!


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