Friday, May 22, 2009

My Boys Friday: The first installment

My sister asked me a week or so ago why I discontinued "toddler friday". To be honest, I don't remember.

Since there are two boys now, and life is crazy - they can share a special Friday post every once in a while and today is the first.

The Monkey has been sick all week - the flu and croup. To say the week's been awful is a huge understatement. Things are looking up though and even though he's a huge whiner still, my boy is cheering up a bit.

He has had no interest in the Squirt, his baby brother, for the entire week. This morning though, after I finished giving said baby a bath and both boys were on my bed, things were actually pleasant for a moment. No whining. No crying.

A little brotherly love - from one boy to the other.

my boys

my boys

my boys

All I can really say about this week? THANK HEAVENS we followed the pediatricians advince and didn't toilet train Elliott BEFORE the baby arrived. With all the regression, on top of illness we've been dealing with this week, the last thing I'd need would be a 2 year old peeing all over my house.

Oh, I love these boys.

It was cute.

I took pictures - just in case it never happens again.

1 comment:

Rika said...

LOVE the pics of the boys together. Glad Elliot is feeling better and you are healing. I hope you are saying yes to any help you can get. What a crazy time.


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