Tuesday, September 09, 2008

*Gasp* and (Sigh)

First, as of yesterday, I've lost 9 pounds on Weight Watchers. It's taken me two months, but it's progress and progress is good. The goal I set for myself in July was to lose at least 15 big ones, maybe 20 or more if I stick with it for longer than my 3 month trial. So, I'm close to 15. Wish me continued luck.

Now, this weight loss statement has a point. Last week on Labor Day it was a tad bit cold. Do you remember? Yeah, frigid. So cold that I had to break out the jeans. Denim is not my friend. I love the fact that I can wear a pair of jeans 15 and a half times before washing them, but I struggle to find a pair that fits, that I feel comfortable in, that is long enough and not too tight and fits my waist, and my thighs...oh it's just drama I tell you, drama!

Keeping this struggle in mind, I had to break out the jeans for the coldest! day! ever! Without being too particular I just grabbed a pair out of the drawer and threw them on. They were tight. Very tight. Tighter than tight. I started to panic - how could I be losing weight and my dumb jeans be so frickin' tight? Like, come on Denim God what's with this cruel joke?

As I was near tears because I couldn't believe my last years jeans didn't fit my slightly thinner body I walked back to the drawer to try again. In said drawer I found two more pair of jeans - the EB jeans I bought last year. The jeans that when I put them on were a tad (a very small tad) to big. Sigh of relief.

The jeans I put on that had me on the verge of a tearful nervous breakdown? Um, they were my jeans from 2005. That I haven't gotten rid of. That don't fit me anymore.

What lesson did we all learn here? Read the labels, continue to do Weight Watchers and reserve panic until all the variables have been determined.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Congrats! 9 lbs is great! I miss working out at the gym so much, and I'm very worried (probably with good reason) that my love of the gym will not return when then baby gets here. And... I agree, these maternity jeans are great!


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