Thursday, September 29, 2011

Being Crafty, day three

There are a lot of blank walls in my new house. They are begging for decoration. They are also begging for a new wall color because the brown just grosses me out, but that's another blog post.

Anyway, there is a lot of blank space. I have a basement full of frames and artwork that just doesn't work in the new house - wrong sizes, wrong colors, etc. so I've taken it upon myself to try and liven things up a bit, decorating wise, and tackle a few different projects on my own.

I spied via pinterest weeks ago a beautiful painting that can be purchased from an etsy shop.  ( On etsy, I saw this.)  I loved the colors and the simplicity of the artwork and thought that it would be great to have something like this in my home....but, it would need to be on a grander scale because I have so much blank wall space.

One day last week when the boys were coloring I decided to color too.   With the painting as my inspiration, I thought, "gosh, wouldn't it be fun to have something similar to that painting but done like the seasons?"  "Why yes, yes it would I answered myself" and came up with this idea.


So, with a map in hand and some colors thought out the boys and I headed to the hobby lobby for some blank canvas' and paints.  We ended up buying 6 paint colors and 4 canvas, the total cost coming to about $30.  Not bad considering the painting that was my inspiration was $60 and I was planning on doing four paintings.

On Saturday, while my three boys were playing trains and watching football I set to work on my art at the kitchen table.  I'd spray painted each canvas white before I got started and sketched a few swirly circles to get me started.  If I do say so myself, I thought that the end result turned out pretty cool.  A very simple and inexpensive series of art to cover some of my naked walls.

The weekend art project.

Now, I just need to figure out where to hang them...which wall is begging to be covered.

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