Saturday, August 16, 2008

The best potatoes you'll ever eat

My sister once had the idea of opening a restaurant that only served potatoes - dozens of different ways. If I were her, I'd add this recipie to her list. I've cooked these taters now four times and not only do I feel that I've got it down to a science, they are perhaps one of the most heavenly things I've ever eaten. So good in fact that since Ross was a bit under the weather last night and didn't eat all of his I just stood over his plate and gobbled them up so quickly you'd think that I was stealing them.

The recipie is not my own - it comes from a little cook book my mom gave us. Thanks mom!

Here you go.

Heat oven to 425 degrees and start a large pot of boiling water

Cut yellow or red potatoes into equal sizes (into 4 or 6 slices per potatoe like you would for roasting or for smashed)

When the water is to a full boil, dump your sliced potatoes into the water for 7 minutes.

As soon as the pototes are in the water, put your roasting pan in the oven with approx. 2 tablespoons of olive oil, bacon grease, or goose fat (whichever you've got on hand)

After 7 minutes of boiling, drain the potatoes and bang them around in the pot a bit

Take your roasting pan out of the over and dump the potatoes into the pan. It will be sizzlin' so be careful. Make sure that the potatoes are evenly coated in your grease of choice and place back in the oven.

Total cooking time is 45-55 minutes. Halfway through you need to gently flip the potaotes being careful not to break the crust that is forming.

Eat immediately! They aren't as good left over as they are right out of the oven so eat them all. Forget your diet or the size of your stomach. YOu will pop these bad-boys like bon-bons. Promise.


japetersen said...

You need to fix them for me --

Erin @ Two More Seconds said...

Having these again .... twice this week. mmmmm bacon grease.


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