Sunday, November 01, 2009

Day 1

I'm at church. Obviously paying a lot of attention.

I love texting and blogger aps and technology. When I graduated from high school we didn't even have a computer lab. In 1996. The computer we had at home was my moms brick of a laptop for work. To do our homework we had to do it days in advance so my mom could print at work and we could have a couple revisions.

After watching a movie with my husband the other night I reminded him of my first cell phone purchase. We'd known each other about two months and spent a lot of time on the phone. My mom, being very aware of the minutes I was racking up kindly informed me that I needed to talk to "my boyfriend" on my own phone.

That simple act over 7 years ago, because of a boy could be the precipous for my technology addictions today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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