Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Maybe the 6th time ever? A luxury I cannot afford

I've never been one of those moms - you know the kind. The mom that feels okay and comfortable to drop everything and have a nap when her kid sleeps. In the last 20 months I can think of a mere handful of times that I've had a nap during the day when my monkey has been asleep. I just don't have the time and think it's a waste of time - no matter how tired I've been. There is always more to do and we can all sleep when we're dead, right?

Disclaimer: DO NOT get this confused with Sunday naps. Those are loved and coveted - even if they give me insomnia.

Anywho - my monkey woke up at 5:40 this morning and that got me all off kilter and out of whack. I kept him up until 11:00 or so and then promptly sent him off to bed. Oh, do I love a sweet boy who can put himself to sleep. At Noon, after an hour of working, I just couldn't do it anymore and did what I never do - I had a nap.

Slept for an hour. Now? I'm not as sleepy, but oh so drowsy and a little out of it - might not have been my brightest idea. Should have done a better CBA .

My boy? Still out. He's pulling one of those three hour naps from his hat. I love those.


Harried Mom said...

I wish my kids would nap still as I miss the naps. I've spent my entire life as a "sleeper" and I miss the opportunity to get daytime shut-eye.

Bing Math said...

What is CBA?


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