Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Year in Review

2008 was a pretty good year for our little family. I mentioned it the other day, but we really lead a pretty charmed life (knock on wood) and I couldn't ask for anything more...except maybe a little monkey that didn't argue with me about everything and a husband who put his tower of dishes away (yes, I least he washes them) and for me? a little less whining for sure.

I've never been one to make new year's resolutions. I just don't believe in it. I've got some goals, most of which involve successfully adding another person to our family and successfully by the end of 2009 not being the heaviest (weight) person in my family. Other than that? I want to be a good mom, live in the moment of our lives, and try to not stress out about everything. Hopefully there won't be any head banging into the counter tops or wrist banging into the sofa.

The other morning after his bath, Elliott and I played hide and seek for about 15 minutes on my bed. He was bare naked and I was terribly nervous that he would relieve himself on my fresh clean sheets. He didn't. Once our playing was over and I finally got him dressed I had one of those, A ha! moments. One of those - wow, life is great I love being a mom, I have so much to look forward to moments. There's a lot to be said for living in the moment and letting the kid throw all the covers over his head without a stitch of clothing.

I want to do that more!

And, because I haven't made one for a while, here's our year in review slide show. If you actually watch it, and make it to the end. Good for you...a gold star on your forehead.

Happy New Year!


Harried Mom said...

I love it!!! Beautifully done and the music was great. I am praying for a healthy new entry of our new edition. Best Wishes in the New Year,

japetersen said...

Very nice -- I wish I had your sweet skills.
Love you --

Codi said...

Great slide show and great music - thanks for sharing! You guys have had a fun year and just think how exciting the coming one will be?!

love you guys!

fivewoods said...

Most Excellent.......


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